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التوجيهي والمرحلة الجامعية ::: التوجيهي لسنة 2009 :::2010

قديم 13-06-2008, 02:47 PM   #1
ام زيد

الصورة الرمزية ام زيد
المعلومات الشخصية

معدل تقييم المستوى: 10

ام زيد عضو سيصبح مشهورا عن قريب

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله ..

هذه مواضيع مقترح انه تيجي او متوقع انه يجي منها ..عليكم قرائتها واخذ الافكار الرئيسية منها ..

موضوع عن النكبة

Nakba = Catastrophe
Nakba "Catastrophe" refers to the destruction of Palestinian society in 1948 when more than 700,000 Palestinians were forced into exile by Israel because the Palestinians were obstacles to the creation of a Jewish state.

Many Zionist leaders in Palestine openly favored "transfer" of the Palestinian population.By the end of 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinians - two-thirds of the Palestinian population - fled in panic or were forcibly expelled. It is estimated that more than 50 percent fled under direct military attack. Others fled in panic as news of massacres.

Zionist forces depopulated more than 450 Palestinian towns and villages, most of which were demolished to prevent the return of the refugees. These. Although Jews owned only about seven percent of the land in Palestine and constituted about 33 percent of the population, Israel was established on 78 percent of Palestine.

The Nakba is the source of the still-unresolved Palestinian refugee problem. Today, there are more than 4 million registered Palestinian refugees worldwide. The majority of them still live within 60 miles of the borders of Israel and the West Bank and Gaza Strip where their original homes are located. Israel refuses to allow Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and to pay them compensation.

Fifty-nine years after the Nakba, Palestinians continue to be denied their freedom and independence. In 1948, 78 percent of Palestine became the state of Israel. Today, the 22 percent that remains continues to be confiscated for the expansion of Israeli settlements and construction of the separation wall. This denial of Palestinian rights combined with U.S. financial and diplomatic support for Israel fuels anti-American sentiment abroad.

Resolution of the Palestinian issue would improve America's image and create lasting goodwill in the Arab and Muslim worlds.

موضوع عن نصائح للطلاب في السنة الاولى

Advice for first-vear students نصائح للطلاب في السنة الاولى

University life is a Whole new world for first –year student.At first ,it can be quit scary.That s why they need helb and advicw.
Most first-year student usually feel nervous and worried, althoygh some of them are better at hiding their feelings than others.so ,to overcom suhch feelings a student is adviseed to nake friends who May become friends for life . meeting people at clubs and sports and at the students union will be helpful .contacting parents also decreases stress and anxiety.
As you settle in, you will need to have a more organized life. This can be achieved through doing many As you settle in, you will need to have a more organized life .This can be achieved through doing many things. A student should balance social life with study time.
It is a good idea to write weekly and baily to do list setting your top priorities .You shoulb get ninto regular working habids for example, always write out notes or the main points and references for future reading .moreover, checking the library facilities is helpful to know where the relevant books are located.

السياحة في فلسطين

Tourist attractions in palestine السياحة
palestine is considered one of the most important areas in the world for different reasons.It has a rwligious imbortance for the three main religions.It is also important for its historical places and its good climate most of the year.
So when you visit palestine ,it is necessary to vist the city of jerusalem.It is a mixture of old andnewIt has the beautiful mosque of the Dome of the Rock and AL Aqsa Mosque.It has traditional and modern souks where you can buy beautiful carvings and other souvenirs.You can enjoy some traditional Palestinan foods there.It is also interesting to visit the oldest city in the world-Jericho .It was build about 10,000years ago .One can enjoy seeing the remains of Hisham palace and some other historicai places.This city is famose for planting palm trees. It IS alsoso advisable to visit the Dead Sea area which is the lowest area in the world Nablus and Sabastya are two important cities to visit and enjoy the old and new there ,and taste the delicious kenafa There are many other important cities to visit like,Tulkarm,Hebron,Gaza,Haifa,Jenin and Ramallh.However,you go in palestine, you will enjoy seeing and doing s omething new and interestinge

موضوع عن طلب الوظيفة ..

How to succeed at job interviews
طلب وظيفة (المقابلة)

عنوان المرسل: عنوان المرسل إليه:
رقم الشارع: 125Al Quds Road لاسم:Ms J aShour
صندوق البريدo Box 2359
اسم التوظيف ة:Human Resources Manager
المدينة:Gaza GiobalCome (palestin)
التاريخ:March 21-2008 صندوق البريدo Box 7854 المدينة:Ramallah
It isagreat pleasure for me to know that you have applied for a jop. would be glad to giev you some tips on do well at the jop interview.
It is advisable to fiond out everything you can about the organization to be able to say and show that you are enthusia stic. you should also be ready to answer any quwstions and prepare some questons to show that you hava consibered the job carefully .I advise you to dress well . be tidy and neat and be early for the interview . During the interview, sit straight and try not to move around on your chair. you had better give good impression by being polite and confident . finally, remember to thank you inteiviowers . I look for ward to hearing that have been accepted for the job .
yours sincerely
[gdwl]"احتطب (اقطع الشجر) بنفسك، وسيدفئك الحطب مرتين (مرة حين تقطعه، ومرة حين تشعله)"[/gdwl]

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