عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 13-06-2008, 02:54 PM   #3
ام زيد

الصورة الرمزية ام زيد
المعلومات الشخصية

معدل تقييم المستوى: 10

ام زيد عضو سيصبح مشهورا عن قريب

واخر المواضيع المتوقعة

اعادة التدوير والاستفادة من الفضلات

Recycling: إعادة التدوير و طرق التخلص من الفضلات
The old methods of waste disposal cannot be used today. Waste was usually dumped or burned, either on land or at sea. The problem was that this method caused air, ground and water pollution. Since then, landfill has become expensive because landfill sites have to be carefully constructed to prevent pollution. In addition, it is difficult to find enough sites to fill with waste.
Recycling is a much better alternative to the traditional methods of waste disposal. First of all, it reduces disposal costs. Secondly, it saves the producer money and limits price rises. Thirdly, It creates a lot of jobs. Finally, there is a further benefit of recycling: it is good for the environment.

موضوع عن البترول واهميته

1 Oil Black Gold موضوع عن البترول اهميته و موارد الطاقة الجديدة
Oil has become much more expensive because the global supply of oil can hardly keep up with demand.
Americans are the world’s biggest oil users, but demand is rising rapidly everywhere else, especially in the industrialising economies. When American oil production started falling in 1970, the country began importing much more. However, when global oil production starts falling in the future, the world will not be able to turn to other new oil sources.
Although experts disagree on when exactly worldwide production will start declining, this and an explosion in the price of oil will probably come soon. Many scientists are working on new energy technologies in order to provide energy sources that are clean and can also fill the energy gap.
These new sources of energy are not yet ready though, so it is very important for us to stop wasting oil unnecessarily. This will require difficult changes, but without them, the world might face an economic and social disaster.

موضوع عن السد العالي

مشروع السد الغالي في مصر عيوب و مزايا المشاريع
Although every major project is expected to bring positive benefits, there are also always some problems or negative side effects, some of which may be expected and some perhaps unexpected. A good example of this is the Aswan Dam project.
In the case of Aswan, the project brought Egypt a large number of important benefits. First, it allowed large-scale irrigation and the development of much new farmland. Secondly, it produced half the country’s electricity and brought electric power to many areas for the first time. Finally, it prevented destructive floods and disastrous droughts.
Unfortunately, though, the Aswan High Dam also created some problems. One problem is that the dam holds back fertile sediments, so farmers have to buy fertilisers. Moreover, these sediments no longer reach the coast, so natural flood defences are weakened, and the fishing industry has collapsed because rich sediments no longer reach the sea. In addition, 90,000 people had to leave their homes and farms when the dam was built, and some archaeological remains were flooded by the lake.
It is very important for planners to make sure that a project’s benefits are greater than its problems. Sometimes the problems are greater than the benefits, and this can lead to a disaster, such as the Lake Hula project. However, in the case of Aswan, on balance, the benefits have been greater than the problems, although there have been many of both.

واخيرا امنياتي الصادقة لكل مجتهد بالنجاح الباهر
[gdwl]"احتطب (اقطع الشجر) بنفسك، وسيدفئك الحطب مرتين (مرة حين تقطعه، ومرة حين تشعله)"[/gdwl]

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